The Small Business 401(k) software is both patented (US Patent 6041313) and patent pending in the United States and Canada. Pension Systems Corporation, Small Business 401(k), 401(k) Easy Pro, Advisors 401(k), Run-It-Yourself 401(k), Self-Service 401(k), Payroll IRA Easy, 401(k) E Z, Pension Motor Corporation, Quick-Tab 401(k), Pension Service Corporation, 403(b) Easy, and Panted, Inc., are Registered Trademarks.
The software, publications and support are provided by Pension Systems Corporation for Licensee's exclusive use pursuant to the terms in the Pension Systems Corporation User License Agreement. Pension Systems Corporation claims copyright and trademark protection for all Software and copyright for all such publications and videos. Should the User License Agreement be terminated for any reason, the right of Licensee to use Pension Systems Corporation-supplied software, publications and support shall be revoked. Unauthorized use of software and/or publications constitutes copyright infringement, subjecting violator(s) to both civil and criminal penalties under federal law.
This web site and all Pension Systems Corporation software, publications and videos are protected by claim of copyright.