401(k) Price Comparisons

401(k) Providers Choice of self-directed brokerages offering all the nation's mutual funds, index funds, and ETFs. Base Annual Cost for 15 Employees + Additional Per-Employee Annual Cost = Price before 401(k) fee skimmed annually from employees' assets year-after-year Percent of 401(k) fees skimmed annually from employees' assets year-after-year Dollar value of 401(k) fees skimmed annually from a typical 401(k) holding $1 million in assets TOTAL ANNUAL COST
for a 15-person 401(k) holding $1 million in total assets
No Fees 401(k) YES $420 + $36 (Multiplied by 15 Employees) = $540 = $960 (NONE) (NONE) $960
Ubiquity 401(k) YES $1,980 + $60
(Multiplied by 15 Employees) = $900
= $2,880 0.05% $500 $3,380
Guideline 401(k) NO $1,548 + $96
(Multiplied by 15 Employees) = $1,440
= $2,988 0.08% $800 $3,788
Saveday 401(k) NO (NONE) + (NONE) = (NONE) 0.45% $4,500 $4,500
ForUsAll 401(k) NO $2,500 + (NONE) = $2,500 0.35% $3,500 $6,000
Human Interest 401(k) NO $1,800 + $72
(Multiplied by 15 Employees) = $1,080
= $2,880 0.58% $5,800 $7,960