Order a New 401(k) Plan

For companies with no previously established 401(k) plan or other company retirement plan

* This field is required.

PART I: Company Information...
1.Will this be your company's first 401(k) plan, or are you replacing an already-existing plan?
2.Company name *
3.Contact person *
5.Phone *
7.E-mail *
8.Your 401(k) decision-making role
9.Company address
Zip Code
12.Company mail-to address
13.Federal ID Number
14.Date business commenced
15.Type of entity
Please indicate your company's type:
Is your company a member of a controlled group?
Is your company a member of an affiliated service group?
16.Number of full-time employees on payroll
PART II: Plan Information...

Note: Complete item #19 below ONLY if the 401(k) plan will be your company's FIRST retirement plan ever.
If your company already has a retirement plan and will be having 401(k) replace that plan, please use our Conversion Plan Order Form instead of this New Plan Order Form. Thank You.

19. Number of full-time employees currently on your payroll

20. Plan Administrator

Most 401(k) customers name their company as their official 401(k) Plan Administrator, though you do have the option of designating an outside party to handle your 401(k) plan administration via 401(k).

Who will serve as Plan Administrator for your 401(k) plan? If you don't know, mark the "Unsure. Please contact..." box.

when need be.

21.Plan Trustee(s)

Who at your company will serve as your 401(k) plan's Trustee(s)? Please include his/her/their title(s) (such as "CFO"), as applicable. If you are unsure who will serve as your plan's trustee(s), mark the "Unsure. Please contact..." box below.
Trustee(s) phone number(s):

22.Compliance test preferences

(remember, just mark "Unsure" if you want help with any item; compliance test preferences is something people new to 401(k) plans usually need help with)

You have some flexibility regarding the parameters by which the IRS compliance tests your plan will have to pass each year are run. Your 401(k) software will have your preferences hardwired into it so you can run accurate compliance tests as often as you like (we recommend monthly). 401(k) will keep you apprised of your plan's health and help ensure your plan passes its critical year-end tests.

The determination of Highly-Compensated versus Non-Highly-Compensated Employees for your plan will be based on the previous year's wages. Would you like your plan to limit the definition of Highly-Compensated Employees to "the top 20% of employee"?

23.What age requirement do you want for your 401(k) plan?

27.Employer contributions

If you plan to run your 401(k) as a safe harbor plan, please indicate any relevant safe harbor employer contributions at item 32 of this order form and DO NOT include your safe harbor contribution formula(s) herein under item 27 Employer Contributions. (click for more information)

Your company can contribute to plan participants' accounts in any of three ways:
(1) regular matching contributions,
(2) discretionary employer contributions, and/or
(3) qualified nonelective contributions.

Regular matching contributions (RMCs) are defined in terms of participant's elective contribution (e.g., 50¢ contributed by the employer for each dollar contributed by the plan participant). Discretionary employer contributions (DECs) are basically profit-sharing contributions, although the employer's contribution does not have to be limited to net profits. Qualified nonelective contributions (QNECs) are allocated on the basis of compensation or some other variable aside from a participant's elective contribution; they are made to ALL eligible employees regardless of whether or not the employee contributes to or participates in the 401(k) plan — unless the QNEC is being used to satisfy ADP or ACP test corrections. As for vesting, RMCs and DECs can be subject to vesting schedules, but QNECs are always 100% vested to employees' accounts when made.

1) Will your company be making any REGULAR MATCHING CONTRIBUTIONS to employees' accounts?

AND our company (check one) contribute an additional discretionary percentage, to be determined by our company.

2) Would your company like to have the option of being able to make DISCRETIONARY EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS (i.e., profit-sharing contributions) to employees' accounts?

3) Would your company like to have the option of being able to make QUALIFIED NONELECTIVE CONTRIBUTIONS to employees' accounts?

32.Safe Harbor Designations

The IRS allows 401(k) plan sponsors an alternative to subjecting their 401(k) plans to annual discrimination testing. The safe harbor method of plan operation lets employers instead make certain contributions to the plan, with immediate vesting of the contributions to employees' 401(k) accounts. (click for more information)

Do you want to operate your 401(k) plan as a safe harbor 401(k) plan?

If you are choosing to operate your 401(k) plan as a safe harbor plan, which employer contribution formula would you like to employ?

If you are choosing to operate your 401(k) plan as a safe harbor MATCHING CONTRIBUTION plan, how often do you want your employer matching contributions to be made?

PART III: Purchase Information...

33.The price of your 401(k) system

(The 401(k) is licensed on a calendar year basis, which requires the purchase of a new license at the beginning of each calendar year)

Monthly Base Price $35 Per Month
Eligible Employee Price $3 Per Eligible Employee Per Month
IRS-Approved 401(k) Prototype and Summary Plan Description Customized to the Client's Requirements
Live Online Plan Set-Up and Training for 401(k) Plan Sponsor 
Ongoing Telephone and Email Pension Rules Consulting and Support for 401(k) Plan Sponsor
401(k) Plan Compliance and Top-Heavy Testing Available Online at a Mouse Click
Secure Online 401(k) Account Management for Employer and Employees
Self-Directed 401(k) Brokerage with Commission-Free Stock Trading and No-Load Mutual Funds
Quick & Easy Conversion of a Participant's 401(k) to an IRA Rollover at Self-Directed Brokerage
Employer can Upload Payroll and Contribution Data and Authorize Purchases 24/7
Employer has Option of Sending a Printed Purchase Order with Contributions to Self-Directed Brokerage
401(k) is Eligible for Hardship Withdrawals
Self-Directed Brokerage Education, Assistance and Investment Selection for 401(k) Participants 24/7

34. FIRST-YEAR-ONLY setup fee

(Remember, this fee, unlike the above Annual Fee, is NONREFUNDABLE but generally tax-deductible. We encourage you to "test drive" No Fees 401(k) before you complete your purchase. Simply request a link to our online Demo to see for yourself how easy managing your company's 401(k) online can be.

35.TOTAL (system price + setup fee)

PART IV: Payment Preference...


We will contact you within 24 hours of receiving your order to confirm your designations and answer any questions you have.

Do you prefer to be contacted regarding your order by telephone or e-mail?

37.When your 401(k) representative calls you to go over any items about which you marked "Unsure..." and to collect additional information needed for your plan's official Summary Plan Description (SPD) and Prototype Plan Adoption Agreement, you will be able to pay your 401(k) customization fee using your Visa, MasterCard, or by check through the mail; there is a five-day holding period on all check orders.

As soon as we receive your payment we will customize your software, prepare official documents for your review, then set-up out your customized system. You can have your 401(k) up and running within the week.

PART V: How did you hear about "No Fees 401(k)"?

38.Before submitting your order form, please tell us how you learned about No Fees 401(k)


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